diff --git a/newsbox/templates/newsbox/inc/list-item.html b/newsbox/templates/newsbox/inc/list-item.html
index 4f90588c3d567543483f3a48c95368e46a2ff63f..ae2c4dc8cd31d89cf25d38a30c513c743c9a742e 100644
--- a/newsbox/templates/newsbox/inc/list-item.html
+++ b/newsbox/templates/newsbox/inc/list-item.html
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
     {% endblock %}
-    <div>
     {% block newsbox_list_item_content %}
         <div class="summary">
             {% with summary_max_words=summary_max_words|default:50 summary=summary|default:object.newsbox_summary|default:object.newsbox_body %}
@@ -24,24 +23,21 @@
                 {% endif %}
             {% endwith %}
+    {% endblock %}
-        {% block newsbox_list_item_content_extra %}
-            {% with readmore=readmore|default:object.newsbox_body %}
+    {% block newsbox_list_item_footer %}
+        {% with readmore=readmore|default:object.newsbox_body %}
                 {% if object.newsbox_publication_start_date or readmore %}
-                    <div class="extra">
+                    <footer>
                         {% if object.newsbox_publication_start_date %}
                             <time datetime="{{ object.newsbox_publication_start_date }}" pubdate="pubdate">{% blocktrans with date=object.newsbox_publication_start_date|date:'SHORT_DATE_FORMAT' %}published on {{ date }}{% endblocktrans %}</time>
                         {% endif %}
                         {% if readmore %}
                             <a class="readmore" href="{{ object.get_absolute_url }}">{% trans "Read more" %}</a>
                         {% endif %}
-                    </div>
+                    </footer>
                 {% endif %}
             {% endwith %}
-        {% endblock newsbox_list_item_content_extra %}
-    {% endblock %}
-    </div>
-    {% block newsbox_list_item_footer %}{% endblock newsbox_list_item_footer %}
+    {% endblock newsbox_list_item_footer %}