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+++ b/README.txt
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+This files describes mwclient-0.6.5. The latest version is available in the 
+subversion repository <https://mwclient.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mwclient>
+and also browsable <http://mwclient.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mwclient/>.
+Mwclient is a client to the MediaWiki API <http://mediawiki.org/wiki/API>
+and allows access to almost all implemented API functions. Mwclient requires
+Python 2.4. This version supports MediaWiki 1.11 and above. However, for 
+functions not available in the current MediaWiki, a MediaWikiVersionError
+is raised.
+This framework is written by Bryan Tong Minh and serves most of his bots.
+The framework and this documentation are primarily written for personal
+use and may or may not work for you. In case it doesn't, Bryan can be
+contacted on btongminh@users.sourceforge.net.
+This framework heavily depends on simplejson, (c) copyright Bob Ippolito.
+== Implementation notes ==
+Most properties and generators accept the same parameters as the API, without
+their two letter prefix. Exceptions to this rule:
+* Image.imageinfo is the imageinfo of the latest image. Earlier versions can be
+  fetched using imagehistory()
+* Site.all* : parameter [ap]from renamed to start
+* categorymembers is implemented as Category.members
+* deletedrevs is deletedrevisions
+* usercontribs is usercontributions
+* First parameters of search and usercontributions are search and user 
+  respectively
+Properties and generators are implemented as Python generators. Their limit 
+parameter is only an indication of the number of items in one chunk. It is not
+the total limit. Doing list(generator(limit = limit)) will return ALL items of 
+generator, and not be limited by the limit value.
+Default chunk size is generally the maximum chunk size.
+== HTTPS ==
+To use https, specify the host as a tuple in the form of ('https', hostname).
+== Example ==
+## For more information, see REFERENCE.txt
+# Init site object
+import mwclient
+site = mwclient.Site('commons.wikimedia.org')
+site.login(username, password) # Optional
+# Edit page
+page = site.Pages['Commons:Sandbox']
+text = page.edit()
+print 'Text in sandbox:', text.encode('utf-8')
+page.save(text + u'\nExtra data', summary = 'Test edit')
+# Printing imageusage
+image = site.Images['Example.jpg']
+print 'Image', image.name.encode('utf-8'), 'usage:'
+for page in image.imageusage():
+	print 'Used:', page.name.encode('utf-8'), '; namespace', page.namespace
+	print 'Image info:', image.imageinfo
+# Uploading a file
+site.upload(open('file.jpg'), 'destination.jpg', 'Image description')
+# Listing all categories (don't do this in reality)
+for category in site.allcategories():
+	print category
+== License ==
+ Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Bryan Tong Minh
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+ copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+ conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d362d916e504d099d6b287cf734c6ea44a8410e
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+++ b/REFERENCE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+This file is intended to be a reference to mwclient. The current version is 
+mwclient 0.6.6.
+The mwclient framework provides an access to the MediaWiki API. It provides the
+functions of the MediaWiki API in a Pythonic manner.
+== Sites ==
+The 'Site' object is the most important class. It represents a MediaWiki site.
+Its constructor accepts various arguments, of which the first two, host and 
+path are the most important. They represent respectively the hostname without
+protocol and the root directory where api.php is located. The path parameter 
+should end with a slash /. Other protocols than HTTP are currently not 
+site = mwclient.Site(host, path = '/w/', ...)
+=== Pages ===
+Sites provide access to pages via various generators and the Pages object. The
+base Page object is called Page and from that derive Category and Image. When
+the page is retrieved via Site.Pages or a generator, it will check 
+automatically which of those three specific types should be returned. To get
+a page by its name, call Site.Pages as a scriptable object:
+page = site.Pages['Template:Stub']
+image = site.Pages['Image:Wiki.png'] # This will return an Image object
+image2 = site.Images['Wiki.png'] # The same image
+Alternatively Site.Images and Site.Categories are provided, which do exactly 
+the same as Site.Pages, except that they require the page name without its
+namespace prefixed.
+==== PageProperties ====
+The Page object provides many generators available in the API. In addition to
+the page properties listed in the API documentation, also the lists backlinks
+and embeddedin are members of the Page object. See for more information about
+using generators the section about generators below.
+Category objects provide an extra property members to list all members of the
+category. The Category object can also be used itself as an iterator yielding
+all its members.
+category = site.Pages['Category:Help']
+for page in category:
+	print category
+Image objects have additional functions imagehistory and imageusage which
+represent the old images and the usage respectively. Image.download returns a
+file object to the full size image.
+fr = image.download()
+fw = open('Wiki.png', 'rb')
+while True:
+	s = fr.read(4096)
+	if not s: break
+	fw.write(s)
+fr.close() # Always close those file objects !!!
+==== Editting pages ====
+Call Page.edit() to retrieve the page content. Use Page.save(text, summary = 
+u'', ...) to save the page. If available, Page.save uses the API to edit, but
+falls back to the old way if the write API is not available.
+== Generators ==
+== Exceptions ==
+== Implementation notes ==
+Most properties and generators accept the same parameters as the API, without
+their two letter prefix Exceptions:
+* Image.imageinfo is the imageinfo of the latest image. Earlier versions can be
+  fetched using imagehistory()
+* Site.all* : parameter (ap)from renamed to start
+* categorymembers is implemented as Category.members
+* deletedrevs is deletedrevisions
+* usercontribs is usercontributions
+* First parameters of search and usercontributions are search and user 
+  respectively
+Properties and generators are implemented as Python generators. Their limit 
+parameter is only an indication of the number of items in one chunk. It is not
+the total limit. Doing list(generator(limit = limit)) will return ALL items of 
+generator, and not be limitted by the limit value. Use list(generator(
+max_items = max_items)) to limit the amount of items returned.
+Default chunk size is generally the maximum chunk size.
+== Links ==
+* SourceForge.net project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mwclient
+* Project website: http://mwclient.sourceforge.net/
+* Subversion: https://mwclient.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mwclient
+* Browseable repository: http://mwclient.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mwclient/
+* MediaWiki API documentation: http://mediawiki.org/wiki/API
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e96125671b5f1705acdb63f1f300941729e04ccf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+This is mwclient 0.6.6. The following are the release notes for this version.
+== Changes in version 0.6.6 ==
+* Allow setting both the upload description and the page content separately
+== Changes in version 0.6.5 ==
+* Explicitly convert the Content-Length header to str, avoiding a TypeError
+  on some versions of Python.
+* Fix for upload by URL
+* Handle readapidenied error in site init
+* Fix version parsing for almost any sane version string
+== Changes in version 0.6.4 ==
+* Added support for upload API
+* Added prop=duplicatefiles
+* Properly fix detection of alpha versions
+* Added support for builtin json library
+* Handle badtoken once
+* Bug 2690034: Fix revision iteration
+* Fix module conflict with simplejson-1.x by inserting mwclient path at the 
+  beginning of sys.path instead of the end
+* Supply token on login if necessary
+== Changes in version 0.6.3 ==
+* Added domain parameter to login.
+* Applied edit fix to page_nowriteapi
+* Allow arbitrary data to be passed to page.save
+* Fix mwclient on WMF wikis
+== Changes in version 0.6.2 ==
+Mwclient was released on 2 May 2009.
+* Compatibility fixes for MediaWiki 1.13
+* Download fix for images
+* Full support for editing pages via write api and split of compatibility to
+  another file.
+* Added expandtemplates api call
+* Added and fixed moving via API
+* Raise an ApiDisabledError is the API is disabled
+* Added support for HTTPS
+* Fixed email code
+* Mark edits as bots by default.
+* Added action=parse. Modified patch by Brian Mingus.
+* Improved general HTTP and upload handling.
+== Changes in version 0.6.1 and 0.6.0 ==
+Mwclient 0.6.1 was released in May 2008. No release notes were kept for 
+that version. 
+Mwclient 0.6.0 was released in February 2008. It was the first official 
+release via Sourceforge. This version removed some Pywikipedia influences 
+added in 0.4.
+== Mwclient 0.5 ==
+Mwclient 0.5 was an architectural redesign which accomplished easy 
+extendibility and added proper support for continuations. 
+== Mwclient 0.4 ==
+Mwclient 0.4 was somewhat the basis for future releases and shows the current 
+module architecture. It was influenced by Pywikipedia that was by then
+discovered by the author.
+== Mwclient 0.2 and 0.3 ==
+Mwclient 0.2 and 0.3 were probably a bit of a generalization, and maybe 
+already used the API for some part, but details are unknown.
+== Mwclient 0.1 ==
+Mwclient 0.1 was a non-API module for accessing Wikipedia using an XML parser.
diff --git a/client.py b/client.py
index efd6a04c545982cd12642838eb67cc23d484e3bc..820d574dd67dbc9f237d858e421ce1b1fa3b3db4 100644
--- a/client.py
+++ b/client.py
@@ -418,9 +418,11 @@ class Site(object):
 			file.seek(0, 0)
-	def parse(self, text, title = None):
-		kwargs = {'text': text}
+	def parse(self, text = None, title = None, page = None):
+		kwargs = {}
+		if text is not None: kwargs['text'] = text
 		if title is not None: kwargs['title'] = title
+		if page is not None: kwargs['page'] = page
 		result = self.api('parse', **kwargs)
 		return result['parse']
@@ -528,11 +530,11 @@ class Site(object):
 		return listing.List(self, 'exturlusage', 'eu', limit = limit, **kwargs)	
 	def logevents(self, type = None, prop = None, start = None, end = None, 
-			dir = 'older', user = None, title = None, limit = None):
-		self.require(1, 9)
+			dir = 'older', user = None, title = None, limit = None, action = None):
+		self.require(1, 10)
 		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('le', prop = prop, type = type, start = start,
-			end = end, dir = dir, user = user, title = title))
+			end = end, dir = dir, user = user, title = title, action = action))
 		return listing.List(self, 'logevents', 'le', limit = limit, **kwargs)
 	# def protectedtitles requires 1.15
@@ -549,7 +551,7 @@ class Site(object):
 		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('rn', namespace = namespace))
 		return listing.List(self, 'random', 'rn', limit = limit, **kwargs)
 	def recentchanges(self, start = None, end = None, dir = 'older', namespace = None, 
 				prop = None, show = None, limit = None, type = None):
 		self.require(1, 9)
diff --git a/listing.py b/listing.py
index 3c510959b5bf0f62bc69b828cf3e15b1e41b4bac..170547175ff9505156ab75497ff981808a62f33a 100644
--- a/listing.py
+++ b/listing.py
@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ class PageList(GeneratorList):
 			return page.Page(self.site, self.site.namespaces[self.namespace] + ':' + name, info)
 			# Guessing page class
-			namespace = self.guess_namespace(name)
-			if namespace == 14:
-				return Category(self.site, name, info)
-			elif namespace == 6:
-				return page.Image(self.site, name, info)
-			else:
-				return page.Page(self.site, name, info)
+			if type(name) is not int:
+				namespace = self.guess_namespace(name)
+				if namespace == 14:
+					return Category(self.site, name, info)
+				elif namespace == 6:
+					return page.Image(self.site, name, info)
+			return page.Page(self.site, name, info)
 	def guess_namespace(self, name):
 		normal_name = page.Page.normalize_title(name)
diff --git a/page.py b/page.py
index 3c77acbf5f5e957b29a39f8d6821daa06d6a6308..0265eeea73bb15ee94b6caccab826c8d53136fb2 100644
--- a/page.py
+++ b/page.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ class Page(object):
 			return self.__dict__.update(name.__dict__)
 		self.site = site
 		self.name = name
+		self.section = None
 		if not info:
 			if extra_properties:
@@ -20,8 +21,12 @@ class Page(object):
 				prop = 'info'
 				extra_props = ()
-			info = self.site.api('query', prop = prop, titles = name, 
-				inprop = 'protection', *extra_props)
+			if type(name) is int:
+				info = self.site.api('query', prop = prop, pageids = name, 
+					inprop = 'protection', *extra_props)
+			else:
+				info = self.site.api('query', prop = prop, titles = name, 
+					inprop = 'protection', *extra_props)
 			info = info['query']['pages'].itervalues().next()
 		self._info = info
@@ -41,7 +46,26 @@ class Page(object):
 		self.last_rev_time = None
 		self.edit_time = None
+	def redirects_to(self):
+		""" Returns the redirect target page, or None if the page is not a redirect page."""
+		info = self.site.api('query', prop = 'pageprops', titles = self.name, redirects = '')['query']
+		if 'redirects' in info:
+			for page in info['redirects']:
+				if page['from'] == self.name:
+					return Page(self.site, page['to'])
+			return None
+		else:
+			return None
+	def resolve_redirect(self):
+		""" Returns the redirect target page, or the current page if it's not a redirect page."""
+		target_page = self.redirects_to() 
+		if target_page == None:
+			return self
+		else:
+			return target_page
 	def __repr__(self):
 		return "<Page object '%s' for %s>" % (self.name.encode('utf-8'), self.site)
@@ -104,18 +128,20 @@ class Page(object):
 		if not self.exists:
 			return u''
-		revs = self.revisions(prop = 'content|timestamp', limit = 1)
+		revs = self.revisions(prop = 'content|timestamp', limit = 1, section = section)
 			rev = revs.next()
 			self.text = rev['*']
+			self.section = section
 			self.last_rev_time = rev['timestamp']
 		except StopIteration:
 			self.text = u''
+			self.section = None
 			self.edit_time = None
 		self.edit_time = time.gmtime()
 		return self.text
-	def save(self, text = u'', summary = u'', minor = False, bot = True, **kwargs):
+	def save(self, text = u'', summary = u'', minor = False, bot = True, section = None, **kwargs):
 		"""Save text of page."""
 		if not self.site.logged_in and self.site.force_login:
 			# Should we really check for this?
@@ -126,6 +152,7 @@ class Page(object):
 			raise errors.ProtectedPageError(self)
 		if not text: text = self.text
+		if not section: section = self.section
 		if not self.site.writeapi:
 			return OldPage.save(self, text = text, summary = summary, minor = False)
@@ -136,6 +163,7 @@ class Page(object):
 		if self.last_rev_time: data['basetimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', self.last_rev_time)
 		if self.edit_time: data['starttimestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', self.edit_time)
 		if bot: data['bot'] = '1'
+		if section: data['section'] = section
@@ -277,27 +305,29 @@ class Page(object):
 			return listing.PageProperty(self, 'images', '', return_values = 'title')
-	def langlinks(self):
+	def langlinks(self, **kwargs):
 		self.site.require(1, 9)
-		return listing.PageProperty(self, 'langlinks', 'll', return_values = ('lang', '*'))
+		return listing.PageProperty(self, 'langlinks', 'll', return_values = ('lang', '*'), **kwargs)
-	def links(self, namespace = None, generator = True):
+	def links(self, namespace = None, generator = True, redirects = False):
 		self.site.require(1, 9)
 		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('pl', namespace = namespace))
+		if redirects: kwargs['redirects'] = '1'
 		if generator:
-			return listing.PagePropertyGenerator(self, 'links', 'pl')
+			return listing.PagePropertyGenerator(self, 'links', 'pl', **kwargs)
-			return listing.PageProperty(self, 'links', 'pl', return_values = 'title')
+			return listing.PageProperty(self, 'links', 'pl', return_values = 'title', **kwargs)
 	def revisions(self, startid = None, endid = None, start = None, end = None, 
 			dir = 'older', user = None, excludeuser = None, limit = 50, 
-			 prop = 'ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user', expandtemplates = False):
+			 prop = 'ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user', expandtemplates = False, section = None):
 		self.site.require(1, 8)
 		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('rv', startid = startid, endid = endid,
 			start = start, end = end, user = user, excludeuser = excludeuser))
 		kwargs['rvdir'] = dir
 		kwargs['rvprop'] = prop
 		if expandtemplates: kwargs['rvexpandtemplates'] = '1'
+		if section: kwargs['rvsection'] = section
 		return listing.RevisionsIterator(self, 'revisions', 'rv', limit = limit, **kwargs)