diff --git a/REFERENCE.md b/REFERENCE.md
index 1d362d916e504d099d6b287cf734c6ea44a8410e..eda717f5107b21661c1823dde71a9327e5568d1b 100644
--- a/REFERENCE.md
+++ b/REFERENCE.md
@@ -1,52 +1,65 @@
-This file is intended to be a reference to mwclient. The current version is 
-mwclient 0.6.6.
+This file is intended to be a reference to mwclient.
+The current version is mwclient 0.6.6.
-The mwclient framework provides an access to the MediaWiki API. It provides the
-functions of the MediaWiki API in a Pythonic manner.
+The mwclient framework provides an access to the MediaWiki API.
+It provides the functions of the MediaWiki API in a Pythonic manner.
-== Sites ==
-The 'Site' object is the most important class. It represents a MediaWiki site.
-Its constructor accepts various arguments, of which the first two, host and 
-path are the most important. They represent respectively the hostname without
-protocol and the root directory where api.php is located. The path parameter 
-should end with a slash /. Other protocols than HTTP are currently not 
+## Sites ##
+The `Site` object is the most important class.
+It represents a MediaWiki site.
+Its constructor accepts various arguments,
+of which the first two, `host` and `path`, are the most important.
+They represent respectively
+the hostname without protocol
+and the root directory where `api.php` is located.
+The path parameter should end with a slash, /.
+Protocols other than HTTP are currently not supported.
 site = mwclient.Site(host, path = '/w/', ...)
-=== Pages ===
-Sites provide access to pages via various generators and the Pages object. The
-base Page object is called Page and from that derive Category and Image. When
-the page is retrieved via Site.Pages or a generator, it will check 
-automatically which of those three specific types should be returned. To get
-a page by its name, call Site.Pages as a scriptable object:
+### Pages ###
+Sites provide access to pages via various generators and the Pages object.
+The base Page object is called Page
+and from that derive Category and Image.
+When the page is retrieved via `Site.Pages` or a generator,
+it will check automatically which of those three specific types
+should be returned.
+To get a page by its name, call `Site.Pages` as a scriptable object:
 page = site.Pages['Template:Stub']
 image = site.Pages['Image:Wiki.png'] # This will return an Image object
 image2 = site.Images['Wiki.png'] # The same image
-Alternatively Site.Images and Site.Categories are provided, which do exactly 
-the same as Site.Pages, except that they require the page name without its
-namespace prefixed.
+Alternatively, `Site.Images` and `Site.Categories` are provided,
+which do exactly the same as `Site.Pages`,
+except that they require the page name without its namespace prefixed.
-==== PageProperties ====
-The Page object provides many generators available in the API. In addition to
-the page properties listed in the API documentation, also the lists backlinks
-and embeddedin are members of the Page object. See for more information about
-using generators the section about generators below.
+#### PageProperties ####
+The `Page` object provides many generators available in the API.
+In addition to the page properties listed in the API documentation,
+also the lists backlinks and embedded in are members of the Page object. For more information about using generators
+see the section on generators below.
-Category objects provide an extra property members to list all members of the
-category. The Category object can also be used itself as an iterator yielding
-all its members.
+`Category` objects provide an extra property members
+to list all members of a category.
+The Category object can also be used itself
+as an iterator yielding all its members.
 category = site.Pages['Category:Help']
 for page in category:
 	print category
-Image objects have additional functions imagehistory and imageusage which
-represent the old images and the usage respectively. Image.download returns a
-file object to the full size image.
+`Image` objects have additional functions `imagehistory` and `imageusage`
+which represent the old versions of the image and its usage, respectively.
+`Image.download` returns a file object to the full size image.
 fr = image.download()
 fw = open('Wiki.png', 'rb')
 while True:
@@ -55,37 +68,44 @@ while True:
 fr.close() # Always close those file objects !!!
+#### Editting pages ####
+Call `Page.edit()` to retrieve the page content.
+Use `Page.save(text, summary = u'', ...)` to save the page.
+If available, `Page.save` uses the API to edit,
+but falls back to the old way if the write API is not available.
+## Generators ##
+## Exceptions ##
+## Implementation notes ##
+Most properties and generators accept the same parameters as the API,
+without their two letter prefix.
+* `Image.imageinfo` is the `imageinfo` of the *latest* image.
+Earlier versions can be fetched using `imagehistory()`
+* `Site.all*`: parameter `(ap)from` renamed to `start`
+* `categorymembers` is implemented as `Category.members`
+* `deletedrevs` is `deletedrevisions`
+* `usercontribs` is `usercontributions`
+* First parameters of `search` and `usercontributions`
+  are `search` and `user`, respectively
-==== Editting pages ====
-Call Page.edit() to retrieve the page content. Use Page.save(text, summary = 
-u'', ...) to save the page. If available, Page.save uses the API to edit, but
-falls back to the old way if the write API is not available.
-== Generators ==
-== Exceptions ==
-== Implementation notes ==
-Most properties and generators accept the same parameters as the API, without
-their two letter prefix Exceptions:
-* Image.imageinfo is the imageinfo of the latest image. Earlier versions can be
-  fetched using imagehistory()
-* Site.all* : parameter (ap)from renamed to start
-* categorymembers is implemented as Category.members
-* deletedrevs is deletedrevisions
-* usercontribs is usercontributions
-* First parameters of search and usercontributions are search and user 
-  respectively
-Properties and generators are implemented as Python generators. Their limit 
-parameter is only an indication of the number of items in one chunk. It is not
-the total limit. Doing list(generator(limit = limit)) will return ALL items of 
-generator, and not be limitted by the limit value. Use list(generator(
-max_items = max_items)) to limit the amount of items returned.
+Properties and generators are implemented as Python generators.
+Their limit parameter is only an indication
+of the number of items in one chunk.
+It is not the total limit.
+Doing `list(generator(limit = limit))` will return
+ALL items of generator, and not be limited by the limit value.
+Use `list(generator(max_items = max_items))`
+to limit the amount of items returned.
 Default chunk size is generally the maximum chunk size.
-== Links ==
+## Links ##
 * SourceForge.net project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mwclient
 * Project website: http://mwclient.sourceforge.net/
 * Subversion: https://mwclient.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/mwclient
 * Browseable repository: http://mwclient.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mwclient/
-* MediaWiki API documentation: http://mediawiki.org/wiki/API
\ No newline at end of file
+* MediaWiki API documentation: http://mediawiki.org/wiki/API