# encoding=utf-8 from __future__ import print_function import unittest import pytest import logging import requests import responses import mock import mwclient from mwclient.page import Page from mwclient.client import Site from mwclient.errors import APIError, AssertUserFailedError, ProtectedPageError try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json if __name__ == "__main__": print() print("Note: Running in stand-alone mode. Consult the README") print(" (section 'Contributing') for advice on running tests.") print() class TestPage(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass @mock.patch('mwclient.client.Site') def test_api_call_on_page_init(self, mock_site): # Check that site.get() is called once on Page init title = 'Some page' mock_site.get.return_value = { 'query': {'pages': {'1': {}}} } page = Page(mock_site, title) # test that Page called site.get with the right parameters mock_site.get.assert_called_once_with('query', inprop='protection', titles=title, prop='info') @mock.patch('mwclient.client.Site') def test_nonexisting_page(self, mock_site): # Check that API response results in page.exists being set to False title = 'Some nonexisting page' mock_site.get.return_value = { 'query': {'pages': {'-1': {'missing': ''}}} } page = Page(mock_site, title) assert page.exists is False @mock.patch('mwclient.client.Site') def test_existing_page(self, mock_site): # Check that API response results in page.exists being set to True title = 'Norge' mock_site.get.return_value = { 'query': {'pages': {'728': {}}} } page = Page(mock_site, title) assert page.exists is True @mock.patch('mwclient.client.Site') def test_pageprops(self, mock_site): # Check that variouse page props are read correctly from API response title = 'Some page' mock_site.get.return_value = { 'query': { 'pages': { '728': { 'contentmodel': 'wikitext', 'counter': '', 'lastrevid': 13355471, 'length': 58487, 'ns': 0, 'pageid': 728, 'pagelanguage': 'nb', 'protection': [], 'title': title, 'touched': '2014-09-14T21:11:52Z' } } } } page = Page(mock_site, title) assert page.exists is True assert page.redirect is False assert page.revision == 13355471 assert page.length == 58487 assert page.namespace == 0 assert page.name == title assert page.page_title == title @mock.patch('mwclient.client.Site') def test_protection_levels(self, mock_site): # If page is protected, check that protection is parsed correctly title = 'Some page' mock_site.get.return_value = { 'query': { 'pages': { '728': { 'protection': [ { 'expiry': 'infinity', 'level': 'autoconfirmed', 'type': 'edit' }, { 'expiry': 'infinity', 'level': 'sysop', 'type': 'move' } ] } } } } mock_site.rights = ['read', 'edit', 'move'] page = Page(mock_site, title) assert page.protection == {'edit': ('autoconfirmed', 'infinity'), 'move': ('sysop', 'infinity')} assert page.can('read') is True assert page.can('edit') is False # User does not have 'autoconfirmed' right assert page.can('move') is False # User does not have 'sysop' right mock_site.rights = ['read', 'edit', 'move', 'autoconfirmed'] assert page.can('edit') is True # User has 'autoconfirmed' right assert page.can('move') is False # User doesn't have 'sysop' right mock_site.rights = ['read', 'edit', 'move', 'autoconfirmed', 'editprotected'] assert page.can('edit') is True # User has 'autoconfirmed' right assert page.can('move') is True # User has 'sysop' right @mock.patch('mwclient.client.Site') def test_redirect(self, mock_site): # Check that page.redirect is set correctly title = 'Some redirect page' mock_site.get.return_value = { "query": { "pages": { "796917": { "contentmodel": "wikitext", "counter": "", "lastrevid": 9342494, "length": 70, "ns": 0, "pageid": 796917, "pagelanguage": "nb", "protection": [], "redirect": "", "title": title, "touched": "2014-08-29T22:25:15Z" } } } } page = Page(mock_site, title) assert page.exists is True assert page.redirect is True @mock.patch('mwclient.client.Site') def test_captcha(self, mock_site): # Check that Captcha results in EditError mock_site.blocked = False mock_site.rights = ['read', 'edit'] title = 'Norge' mock_site.get.return_value = { 'query': {'pages': {'728': {'protection': []}}} } page = Page(mock_site, title) mock_site.post.return_value = { 'edit': {'result': 'Failure', 'captcha': { 'type': 'math', 'mime': 'text/tex', 'id': '509895952', 'question': '36 + 4 = ' }} } # For now, mwclient will just raise an EditError. # <https://github.com/mwclient/mwclient/issues/33> with pytest.raises(mwclient.errors.EditError): page.save('Some text') class TestPageApiArgs(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): title = 'Some page' self.page_text = 'Hello world' MockSite = mock.patch('mwclient.client.Site').start() self.site = MockSite() self.site.get.return_value = {'query': {'pages': {'1': {'title': title}}}} self.site.rights = ['read'] self.page = Page(self.site, title) self.site.get.return_value = {'query': {'pages': {'2': { 'ns': 0, 'pageid': 2, 'revisions': [{'*': 'Hello world', 'timestamp': '2014-08-29T22:25:15Z'}], 'title': title }}}} def get_last_api_call_args(self, http_method='POST'): if http_method == 'GET': args, kwargs = self.site.get.call_args else: args, kwargs = self.site.post.call_args action = args[0] args = args[1:] kwargs.update(args) return kwargs def tearDown(self): mock.patch.stopall() def test_get_page_text(self): # Check that page.text() works, and that a correct API call is made text = self.page.text() args = self.get_last_api_call_args(http_method='GET') assert text == self.page_text assert args == { 'prop': 'revisions', 'rvdir': 'older', 'titles': self.page.page_title, 'rvprop': 'content|timestamp', 'rvlimit': '1' } def test_get_page_text_cached(self): # Check page.text() caching self.page.revisions = mock.Mock(return_value=iter([])) self.page.text() self.page.text() # When cache is hit, revisions is not, so call_count should be 1 assert self.page.revisions.call_count == 1 self.page.text(cache=False) # With cache explicitly disabled, we should hit revisions assert self.page.revisions.call_count == 2 def test_get_section_text(self): # Check that the 'rvsection' parameter is sent to the API text = self.page.text(section=0) args = self.get_last_api_call_args(http_method='GET') assert args['rvsection'] == '0' def test_get_text_expanded(self): # Check that the 'rvexpandtemplates' parameter is sent to the API text = self.page.text(expandtemplates=True) args = self.get_last_api_call_args(http_method='GET') assert args['rvexpandtemplates'] == '1' def test_assertuser_true(self): # Check that assert=user is sent when force_login=True self.site.blocked = False self.site.rights = ['read', 'edit'] self.site.logged_in = True self.site.force_login = True self.site.api.return_value = { 'edit': {'result': 'Ok'} } self.page.save('Some text') args = self.get_last_api_call_args() assert args['assert'] == 'user' def test_assertuser_false(self): # Check that assert=user is not sent when force_login=False self.site.blocked = False self.site.rights = ['read', 'edit'] self.site.logged_in = False self.site.force_login = False self.site.api.return_value = { 'edit': {'result': 'Ok'} } self.page.save('Some text') args = self.get_last_api_call_args() assert 'assert' not in args def test_handle_edit_error_assertuserfailed(self): # Check that AssertUserFailedError is triggered api_error = APIError('assertuserfailed', 'Assertion that the user is logged in failed', 'See https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php for API usage') with pytest.raises(AssertUserFailedError): self.page.handle_edit_error(api_error, 'n/a') def test_handle_edit_error_protected(self): # Check that ProtectedPageError is triggered api_error = APIError('protectedpage', 'The "editprotected" right is required to edit this page', 'See https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php for API usage') with pytest.raises(ProtectedPageError) as pp_error: self.page.handle_edit_error(api_error, 'n/a') assert pp_error.value.code == 'protectedpage' assert str(pp_error.value) == 'The "editprotected" right is required to edit this page' if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()