import urllib2 import urlparse import httplib import socket import time import upload import errors from client import __ver__ class Request(urllib2.Request): def __init__(self, url, data=None, headers={}, origin_req_host=None, unverifiable=False, head = False): urllib2.Request.__init__(self, url, data, headers, origin_req_host, unverifiable) self.add_header('User-Agent', 'MwClient-' + __ver__) self.head = head def get_method(self): if self.head: return 'HEAD' return urllib2.Request.get_method(self) class CookieJar(dict): def __init__(self): dict.__init__(self, ()) def extract_cookies(self, response): for cookie in response.msg.getallmatchingheaders('Set-Cookie'): self.parse_cookie(cookie.strip()) if response.getheader('set-cookie2', None): # ... raise RuntimeError, 'Set-Cookie2', value def parse_cookie(self, cookie): if not cookie: return value, attrs = cookie.split(': ', 1)[1].split(';', 1) i = value.strip().split('=') if len(i) == 1 and i[0] in self: del self[i[0]] else: self[i[0]] = i[1] def get_cookie_header(self): return '; '.join(('%s=%s' % i for i in self.iteritems())) def __iter__(self): for k, v in self.iteritems(): yield Cookie(k, v) class Cookie(object): def __init__(self, name, value): = name self.value = value class HTTPPersistentConnection(object): http_class = httplib.HTTPConnection scheme_name = 'http' def __init__(self, host, pool = None): self.cookies = {} self.pool = pool if pool: self.cookies = pool.cookies self._conn = self.http_class(host) self._conn.connect() self.last_request = time.time() def request(self, method, host, path, headers, data, raise_on_not_ok = True, auto_redirect = True): # Strip scheme if type(host) is tuple: host = host[1] # Dirty hack... if (time.time() - self.last_request) > 60: self._conn.close() self._conn.connect() _headers = headers headers = {} headers['Connection'] = 'Keep-Alive' headers['User-Agent'] = 'MwClient/' + __ver__ headers['Host'] = host if host in self.cookies: headers['Cookie'] = self.cookies[host].get_cookie_header() if issubclass(data.__class__, upload.Upload): headers['Content-Type'] = data.content_type headers['Content-Length'] = str(data.length) elif data: headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(data)) if _headers: headers.update(_headers) try: self._conn.request(method, path, headers = headers) if issubclass(data.__class__, upload.Upload): for s in data: self._conn.send(s) elif data: self._conn.send(data) self.last_request = time.time() try: res = self._conn.getresponse() except httplib.BadStatusLine: self._conn.close() self._conn.connect() self._conn.request(method, path, data, headers) res = self._conn.getresponse() except socket.error, e: self._conn.close() raise errors.HTTPError, e #except Exception, e: # raise errors.HTTPError, e if not host in self.cookies: self.cookies[host] = CookieJar() self.cookies[host].extract_cookies(res) if res.status >= 300 and res.status <= 399 and auto_redirect: location = urlparse.urlparse(res.getheader('Location')) if res.status in (302, 303): if 'Content-Type' in headers: del headers['Content-Type'] if 'Content-Length' in headers: del headers['Content-Length'] method = 'GET' data = '' old_path = path path = location[2] if location[4]: path = path + '?' + location[4] if location[0].lower() != self.scheme_name: raise errors.HTTPRedirectError, ('Only HTTP connections are supported', res.getheader('Location')) if self.pool is None: if location[1] != host: raise errors.HTTPRedirectError, ('Redirecting to different hosts not supported', res.getheader('Location')) return self.request(method, host, path, headers, data) else: if host == location[1] and path == old_path: conn = self.__class__(location[1], self.pool) self.pool.append(([location[1]], conn)) return self.pool.request(method, location[1], path, headers, data, raise_on_not_ok, auto_redirect) if res.status != 200 and raise_on_not_ok: try: raise errors.HTTPStatusError, (res.status, res) finally: res.close() return res def get(self, host, path, headers = None): return self.request('GET', host, path, headers, None) def post(self, host, path, headers = None, data = None): return self.request('POST', host, path, headers, data) def head(self, host, path, headers = None, auto_redirect = False): res = self.request('HEAD', host, path, headers, data = None, raise_on_not_ok = False, auto_redirect = auto_redirect) return res.status, res.getheaders() def close(self): self._conn.close() def fileno(self): return self._conn.sock.fileno() class HTTPConnection(HTTPPersistentConnection): def request(self, method, host, path, headers, data, raise_on_not_ok = True, auto_redirect = True): if not headers: headers = {} headers['Connection'] = 'Close' res = HTTPPersistentConnection.request(self, method, host, path, headers, data, raise_on_not_ok, auto_redirect) return res class HTTPSPersistentConnection(HTTPPersistentConnection): http_class = httplib.HTTPSConnection scheme_name = 'https' class HTTPPool(list): def __init__(self): list.__init__(self) self.cookies = {} def find_connection(self, host, scheme = 'http'): if type(host) is tuple: scheme, host = host for hosts, conn in self: if (scheme, host) in hosts: return conn redirected_host = None for hosts, conn in self: status, headers = conn.head(host, '/') if status == 200: hosts.append((scheme, host)) return conn if status >= 300 and status <= 399: # BROKEN! headers = dict(headers) location = urlparse.urlparse(headers.get('location', '')) if (location[0], location[1]) == (scheme, host): hosts.append((scheme, host)) return conn if scheme == 'http': cls = HTTPPersistentConnection elif scheme == 'https': cls = HTTPSPersistentConnection else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported scheme', scheme) conn = cls(host, self) self.append(([(scheme, host)], conn)) return conn def get(self, host, path, headers = None): return self.find_connection(host).get(host, path, headers) def post(self, host, path, headers = None, data = None): return self.find_connection(host).post(host, path, headers, data) def head(self, host, path, headers = None, auto_redirect = False): return self.find_connection(host).head(host, path, headers, auto_redirect) def request(self, method, host, path, headers, data, raise_on_not_ok, auto_redirect): return self.find_connection(host).request(method, host, path, headers, data, raise_on_not_ok, auto_redirect) def close(self): for hosts, conn in self: conn.close()