# CMS HighlightedContent
This app is a base application to build HighlightedContents with django CMS.
Users with permissions will be able to add HighlightedContent Plugins in placeholders and add items to
those highlighted_contents.
Each item is a related instance of whatever model you allow. You can have a highlighted_content with a
item which is a `News` instance, then a item which is a `Page` instance, then a item which is a
`MagicPony` instance etc.
## How to use it
### 0. Configuration
Add `cms_highlighted_content` in `INSTALLED_APPS` and configure models which can be used as "item":
# format: ('app_name', ('SomeModel', 'AnOther', )),
('news', ('News', ),),
('feparchives', ('Project', 'Event', 'News')),
### 1. Models
In your HighlightedContentItem, you **MUST** define the highlighted_content ForeignKey.
from cms_highlighted_content.models import HighlightedContentPluginBase, HighlightedContentItemBase
class HighlightedContentPlugin(HighlightedContentPluginBase):
class HighlightedContentItem(HighlightedContentItemBase):
highlighted_content = models.ForeignKey(HighlightedContentPlugin, related_name='items')
Make your migration and apply it.
### 2. CMS plugin
from cms_highlighted_content.cms_plugins import HighlightedContentPluginBase
from .models import HighlightedContentPlugin as HighlightedContentPluginModel
class HighlightedContentPlugin(HighlightedContentPluginBase):
model = HighlightedContentPluginModel
### 4. Templates
Slides can be from multiple models (configured in `CMS_HIGHLIGHTED_CONTENT_ITEMS_MODELS`). You must create
at least a general template (`highlighted_content/highlighted_content_item.html`) which can manage all available
You can also create a template for each app (in this exemple, it would be
`news/highlighted_content_item.html`, `filer/highlighted_content_item.html` and `feparchives/highlighted_content_item.html`).
You can also create a template for earch model:
* `news/news/highlighted_content_item.html`
* `feparchives/dossier/highlighted_content_item.html`
* `feparchives/chronicle/highlighted_content_item.html`
* `feparchives/note/highlighted_content_item.html`
* `feparchives/conference/highlighted_content_item.html`
Logic is the same as in django-admin: we check first if a model template exists, then we check for
an app template, then we fallback for a general template.
{# news/highlighted_content_item.html #}
{% load i18n %}
{% if item.content_type.model == 'image' %}
<img class="background" src="{{ object.url }}" alt="" />
{% if object.default_alt_text %}
<h2>{{ object.default_alt_text }}</h2>
{% elif object.default_caption %}
<h2>{{ object.default_caption }}</h2>
{% with illustration=object.highlighted_content_illustration|default:object.illustration %}
{% if illustration %}
<img class="background" src="{{ illustration.url }}" alt="" />
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
<h2><a href="{{ object.get_absolute_url }}">{{ object }}</a></h2>
<a href="{{ object.get_absolute_url }}">{% trans "Read more" %} ></a>