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__ver__ = '0.6.6'

import urllib, urlparse
import time, random
import sys, weakref
import socket

	import json
except ImportError:
	import simplejson as json
import http
import upload

import errors
import listing, page
import compatibility

	import gzip
except ImportError:
	gzip = None
	from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
	from StringIO import StringIO

def parse_timestamp(t):
	if t == '0000-00-00T00:00:00Z':
		return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
	return time.strptime(t, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
class WaitToken(object):
	def __init__(self): = '%x' % random.randint(0, sys.maxint)
	def __hash__(self):
		return hash(

class Site(object):
	api_limit = 500
	def __init__(self, host, path = '/w/', ext = '.php', pool = None, retry_timeout = 30, 
			max_retries = 25, wait_callback = lambda *x: None, 
			max_lag = 3, compress = True, force_login = True, do_init = True):
		# Setup member variables = host
		self.path = path
		self.ext = ext
		self.credentials = None
		self.compress = compress
		self.retry_timeout = retry_timeout
		self.max_retries = max_retries
		self.wait_callback = wait_callback
		self.max_lag = str(max_lag)
		self.force_login = force_login
		# The token string => token object mapping
		self.wait_tokens = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
		# Site properties
		self.blocked = False	# Whether current user is blocked
		self.hasmsg = False	# Whether current user has new messages
		self.groups = []	# Groups current user belongs to
		self.rights = []	# Rights current user has
		self.tokens = {}	# Edit tokens of the current user
		self.version = None
		self.namespaces = self.default_namespaces
		self.writeapi = False
		# Setup connection
		if pool is None:
			self.connection = http.HTTPPool()
			self.connection = pool
		# Page generators
		self.pages = listing.PageList(self)
		self.categories = listing.PageList(self, namespace = 14)
		self.images = listing.PageList(self, namespace = 6)
		# Compat page generators
		self.Pages = self.pages
		self.Categories = self.categories
		self.Images = self.images
		# Initialization status
		self.initialized = False
		if do_init:
			except errors.APIError, e:
				# Private wiki, do init after login
				if e[0] not in (u'unknown_action', u'readapidenied'): 
	def site_init(self):
		meta = self.api('query', meta = 'siteinfo|userinfo', 
			siprop = 'general|namespaces', uiprop = 'groups|rights')
		# Extract site info = meta['query']['general']
		self.namespaces = dict(((i['id'], i.get('*', '')) for i in meta['query']['namespaces'].itervalues()))
		self.writeapi = 'writeapi' in
		# Determine version
		if['generator'].startswith('MediaWiki '):
			version =['generator'][10:].split('.')
			def split_num(s):
				i = 0
				while i < len(s):
					if s[i] < '0' or s[i] > '9':
					i += 1
				if s[i:]:
					return (int(s[:i]), s[i:], )
					return (int(s[:i]), )
			self.version = sum((split_num(s) for s in version), ())
			if len(self.version) < 2:
				raise errors.MediaWikiVersionError('Unknown MediaWiki %s' % '.'.join(version))
			raise errors.MediaWikiVersionError('Unknown generator %s' %['generator'])
		# Require 1.11 until some compatibility issues are fixed
		self.require(1, 11)
		# User info	
		userinfo = compatibility.userinfo(meta, self.require(1, 12, raise_error = False))
		self.username = userinfo['name']
		self.groups = userinfo.get('groups', [])
		self.rights = userinfo.get('rights', [])
		self.initialized = True
	default_namespaces = {0: u'', 1: u'Talk', 2: u'User', 3: u'User talk', 4: u'Project', 5: u'Project talk', 
		6: u'Image', 7: u'Image talk', 8: u'MediaWiki', 9: u'MediaWiki talk', 10: u'Template', 11: u'Template talk', 
		12: u'Help', 13: u'Help talk', 14: u'Category', 15: u'Category talk', -1: u'Special', -2: u'Media'}
	def __repr__(self):
		return "<Site object '%s%s'>" % (, self.path)
	def api(self, action, *args, **kwargs):
		""" An API call. Handles errors and returns dict object. """
		if action == 'query':
			if 'meta' in kwargs:
				kwargs['meta'] += '|userinfo'
				kwargs['meta'] = 'userinfo'
			if 'uiprop' in kwargs:
				kwargs['uiprop'] += '|blockinfo|hasmsg'
				kwargs['uiprop'] = 'blockinfo|hasmsg'
		token = self.wait_token()
		while True:
			info = self.raw_api(action, **kwargs)
			if not info: info = {}
			res = self.handle_api_result(info, token = token)
			if res:
				return info
	def handle_api_result(self, info, kwargs = None, token = None):
		if token is None:
			token = self.wait_token()
			userinfo = compatibility.userinfo(info, self.require(1, 12, raise_error = None))
		except KeyError:
			userinfo = ()
		if 'blockedby' in userinfo:
			self.blocked = (userinfo['blockedby'], userinfo.get('blockreason', u''))
			self.blocked = False
		self.hasmsg = 'message' in userinfo
		self.logged_in = 'anon' not in userinfo
		if 'error' in info:
			if info['error']['code'] in (u'internal_api_error_DBConnectionError', ):
				return False
			if '*' in info['error']:
				raise errors.APIError(info['error']['code'],
					info['error']['info'], info['error']['*'])
			raise errors.APIError(info['error']['code'],
					info['error']['info'], kwargs)
		return True
	def _to_str(data):
		if type(data) is unicode:
			return data.encode('utf-8')
		return str(data)
	def _query_string(*args, **kwargs):
		qs = urllib.urlencode([(k, Site._to_str(v)) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems()
			if k != 'wpEditToken'])
		if 'wpEditToken' in kwargs: 
			qs += '&wpEditToken=' + urllib.quote(Site._to_str(kwargs['wpEditToken']))
		return qs
	def raw_call(self, script, data):
		url = self.path + script + self.ext
		headers = {}
		if not issubclass(data.__class__, upload.Upload):
			headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
		if self.compress and gzip:
			headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip'
		token = self.wait_token((script, data))
		while True:
				stream =, 
					url, data = data, headers = headers)
				if stream.getheader('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip':
					# BAD.
					seekable_stream = StringIO(
					stream = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj = seekable_stream)
				return stream
			except errors.HTTPStatusError, e:
				if e[0] == 503 and e[1].getheader('X-Database-Lag'):
					self.wait(token, int(e[1].getheader('Retry-After')))
				elif e[0] < 500 or e[0] > 599:
			except errors.HTTPRedirectError:
			except errors.HTTPError:
			except ValueError:
	def raw_api(self, action, *args, **kwargs):
        """Sends a call to the API."""
		kwargs['action'] = action
		kwargs['format'] = 'json'
		data = self._query_string(*args, **kwargs)
		json_data = self.raw_call('api', data).read()
			return json.loads(json_data)
		except ValueError:
			if json_data.startswith('MediaWiki API is not enabled for this site.'):
				raise errors.APIDisabledError
	def raw_index(self, action, *args, **kwargs):
        """Sends a call to index.php rather than the API."""
		kwargs['action'] = action
		kwargs['maxlag'] = self.max_lag
		data = self._query_string(*args, **kwargs)
		return self.raw_call('index', data).read().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')			
	def wait_token(self, args = None):
		token = WaitToken()
		self.wait_tokens[token] = (0, args)
		return token

	def wait(self, token, min_wait = 0):
		retry, args = self.wait_tokens[token]
		self.wait_tokens[token] = (retry + 1, args)
		if retry > self.max_retries and self.max_retries != -1:
			raise errors.MaximumRetriesExceeded(self, token, args)
		self.wait_callback(self, token, retry, args)
		timeout = self.retry_timeout * retry
		if timeout < min_wait: timeout = min_wait
		return self.wait_tokens[token]

	def require(self, major, minor, revision = None, raise_error = True):
		if self.version is None:
			if raise_error is None: return 
			raise RuntimeError('Site %s has not yet been initialized' % repr(self))
		if revision is None:
			if self.version[:2] >= (major, minor):
				return True
			elif raise_error:
				raise errors.MediaWikiVersionError('Requires version %s.%s, current version is %s.%s' 
					% ((major, minor) + self.version[:2]))
				return False
			raise NotImplementedError

	# Actions
	def email(self, user, text, subject, cc = False):
        """Sends email to a specified user on the wiki."""
		#TODO: Use api!
		postdata = {}
		postdata['wpSubject'] = subject
		postdata['wpText'] = text
		if cc: postdata['wpCCMe'] = '1'
		postdata['wpEditToken'] = self.tokens['edit']
		postdata['uselang'] = 'en'
		postdata['title'] = u'Special:Emailuser/' + user

		data = self.raw_index('submit', **postdata)
		if 'var wgAction = "success";' not in data:
			if 'This user has not specified a valid e-mail address' in data:
				# Dirty hack
				raise errors.NoSpecifiedEmailError, user
			raise errors.EmailError, data

	def login(self, username = None, password = None, cookies = None, domain = None):
        """Login to the wiki."""
		if self.initialized: self.require(1, 10)
		if username and password: 
			self.credentials = (username, password, domain)
		if cookies:
			if not in self.conn.cookies:
				self.conn.cookies[] = http.CookieJar()
		if self.credentials:
			wait_token = self.wait_token()
			kwargs = {
				'lgname': self.credentials[0],
				'lgpassword': self.credentials[1]
			if self.credentials[2]:
				kwargs['lgdomain'] = self.credentials[2]
			while True:
				login = self.api('login', **kwargs)
				if login['login']['result'] == 'Success':
				elif login['login']['result'] == 'NeedToken':
					kwargs['lgtoken'] = login['login']['token']
				elif login['login']['result'] == 'Throttled':
					self.wait(wait_token, login['login'].get('wait', 5))
					raise errors.LoginError(self, login['login'])
		if self.initialized:				
			info = self.api('query', meta = 'userinfo', uiprop = 'groups|rights')
			userinfo = compatibility.userinfo(info, self.require(1, 12, raise_error = False))
			self.username = userinfo['name']
			self.groups = userinfo.get('groups', [])
			self.rights = userinfo.get('rights', [])
			self.tokens = {}

	def upload(self, file = None, filename = None, description = '', ignore = False, file_size = None,
			url = None, session_key = None, comment = None):
        """Upload a file to the wiki."""
		if self.version[:2] < (1, 16):
			return compatibility.old_upload(self, file = file, filename = filename, 
						description = description, ignore = ignore, 
						file_size = file_size)
		image = self.Images[filename]
		if not image.can('upload'):
			raise errors.InsufficientPermission(filename)

		predata = {}
		if comment is None:
			predata['comment'] = description
			predata['comment'] = comment
			predata['text'] = description

		if ignore: 
			predata['ignorewarnings'] = 'true'
		predata['token'] = image.get_token('edit')
		predata['action'] = 'upload'
		predata['format'] = 'json'
		predata['filename'] = filename
		if url:
			predata['url'] = url
		if session_key:
			predata['session_key'] = session_key 
		if file is None:
			postdata = self._query_string(predata)
			if type(file) is str:
				file_size = len(file)
				file = StringIO(file)
			if file_size is None:, 2)
				file_size = file.tell(), 0)
			postdata = upload.UploadFile('file', filename, file_size, file, predata)
		wait_token = self.wait_token()
		while True:
				data = self.raw_call('api', postdata).read()
				info = json.loads(data)
				if not info:
					info = {}
				if self.handle_api_result(info, kwargs = predata):
					return info.get('upload', {})
			except errors.HTTPStatusError, e:
				if e[0] == 503 and e[1].getheader('X-Database-Lag'):
					self.wait(wait_token, int(e[1].getheader('Retry-After')))
				elif e[0] < 500 or e[0] > 599:
			except errors.HTTPError:
				self.wait(wait_token), 0)
	def parse(self, text = None, title = None, page = None):
		kwargs = {}
		if text is not None: kwargs['text'] = text
		if title is not None: kwargs['title'] = title
		if page is not None: kwargs['page'] = page
		result = self.api('parse', **kwargs)
		return result['parse']
	# def block: requires 1.12
	# def unblock: requires 1.12
	# def patrol: requires 1.14
	# def import: requires 1.15
	# Lists
	def allpages(self, start = None, prefix = None, namespace = '0', filterredir = 'all',
			minsize = None, maxsize = None, prtype = None, prlevel = None,
			limit = None, dir = 'ascending', filterlanglinks = 'all', generator = True):
        """Retrieve all pages on the wiki as a generator."""
		self.require(1, 9)
		pfx = listing.List.get_prefix('ap', generator)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs(pfx, ('from', start), prefix = prefix,
			minsize = minsize, maxsize = maxsize, prtype = prtype, prlevel = prlevel,
			namespace = namespace, filterredir = filterredir, dir = dir, 
			filterlanglinks = filterlanglinks))
		return listing.List.get_list(generator)(self, 'allpages', 'ap', limit = limit, return_values = 'title', **kwargs)
	# def allimages(self): requires 1.12
	# TODO!

	def alllinks(self, start = None, prefix = None, unique = False, prop = 'title',
			namespace = '0', limit = None, generator = True):
        """Retrieve a list of all links on the wiki as a generator."""
		self.require(1, 11)
		pfx = listing.List.get_prefix('al', generator)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs(pfx, ('from', start), prefix = prefix,
			prop = prop, namespace = namespace))
		if unique: kwargs[pfx + 'unique'] = '1'
		return listing.List.get_list(generator)(self, 'alllinks', 'al', limit = limit, return_values = 'title', **kwargs)

	def allcategories(self, start = None, prefix = None, dir = 'ascending', limit = None, generator = True):
        """Retrieve all categories on the wiki as a generator."""
		self.require(1, 12)
		pfx = listing.List.get_prefix('ac', generator)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs(pfx, ('from', start), prefix = prefix, dir = dir))
		return listing.List.get_list(generator)(self, 'allcategories', 'ac', limit = limit, **kwargs)
	def allusers(self, start = None, prefix = None, group = None, prop = None, limit = None):
        """Retrieve all users on the wiki as a generator."""
		self.require(1, 11)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('au', ('from', start), prefix = prefix,
			group = group, prop = prop))
		return listing.List(self, 'allusers', 'au', limit = limit, **kwargs)

	def blocks(self, start = None, end = None, dir = 'older', ids = None, users = None, limit = None, 
			prop = 'id|user|by|timestamp|expiry|reason|flags'):
        """Retrieve blocks as a generator.

        Each block is a dictionary containing:
        - user: the username or IP address of the user
        - id: the ID of the block
        - timestamp: when the block was added
        - expiry: when the block runs out (infinity for indefinite blocks)
        - reason: the reason they are blocked
        - allowusertalk: key is present (empty string) if the user is allowed to edit their user talk page
        - by: the administrator who blocked the user
        - nocreate: key is present (empty string) if the user's ability to create accounts has been disabled.

		self.require(1, 12)
		# TODO: Fix. Fix what?
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('bk', start = start, end = end, dir = dir, 
			users = users, prop = prop))
		return listing.List(self, 'blocks', 'bk', limit = limit, **kwargs)

	def deletedrevisions(self, start = None, end = None, dir = 'older', namespace = None, 
			limit = None, prop = 'user|comment'):
		# TODO: Fix
		self.require(1, 12)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('dr', start = start, end = end, dir = dir,
			namespace = namespace, prop = prop))
		return listing.List(self, 'deletedrevs', 'dr', limit = limit, **kwargs)

	def exturlusage(self, query, prop = None, protocol = 'http', namespace = None, limit = None):
        """Retrieves list of pages that link to a particular domain or URL as a generator.

        This API call mirrors the Special:LinkSearch function on-wiki.

        Query can be a domain like ''. Wildcards can be used, e.g. '*'.
        Alternatively, a query can contain a full domain name and some or all of a URL:
        e.g. '**'

        See <> for details.

        The generator returns dictionaries containing three keys:
        - url: the URL linked to.
        - ns: namespace of the wiki page
        - pageid: the ID of the wiki page
        - title: the page title.
		self.require(1, 11)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('eu', query = query, prop = prop, 
			protocol = protocol, namespace = namespace))
		return listing.List(self, 'exturlusage', 'eu', limit = limit, **kwargs)	

	def logevents(self, type = None, prop = None, start = None, end = None, 
			dir = 'older', user = None, title = None, limit = None):
		self.require(1, 9)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('le', prop = prop, type = type, start = start,
			end = end, dir = dir, user = user, title = title))
		return listing.List(self, 'logevents', 'le', limit = limit, **kwargs)

	# def protectedtitles requires 1.15
	def random(self, namespace, limit = 20):
        """Retrieves a generator of random page from a particular namespace.
        limit specifies the number of random articles retrieved.
        namespace is a namespace identifier integer.
        Generator contains dictionary with namespace, page ID and title.
		self.require(1, 12)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('rn', namespace = namespace))
		return listing.List(self, 'random', 'rn', limit = limit, **kwargs)
	def recentchanges(self, start = None, end = None, dir = 'older', namespace = None, 
				prop = None, show = None, limit = None, type = None):
		self.require(1, 9)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('rc', start = start, end = end, dir = dir,
			namespace = namespace, prop = prop, show = show, type = type))
		return listing.List(self, 'recentchanges', 'rc', limit = limit, **kwargs)

	def search(self, search, namespace = '0', what = 'title', redirects = False, limit = None):
		self.require(1, 11)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('sr', search = search, namespace = namespace, what = what))
		if redirects: kwargs['srredirects'] = '1'
		return listing.List(self, 'search', 'sr', limit = limit, **kwargs)

	def usercontributions(self, user, start = None, end = None, dir = 'older', namespace = None, 
			prop = None, show = None, limit = None):
		self.require(1, 9)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('uc', user = user, start = start, end = end, 
			dir = dir, namespace = namespace, prop = prop, show = show))
		return listing.List(self, 'usercontribs', 'uc', limit = limit, **kwargs)

	def users(self, users, prop = 'blockinfo|groups|editcount'):
		self.require(1, 12)
		return listing.List(self, 'users', 'us', ususers = '|'.join(users), usprop = prop)
	def watchlist(self, allrev = False, start = None, end = None, namespace = None, dir = 'older',
			prop = None, show = None, limit = None):
		self.require(1, 9)
		kwargs = dict(listing.List.generate_kwargs('wl', start = start, end = end, 
			namespace = namespace, dir = dir, prop = prop, show = show))
		if allrev: kwargs['wlallrev'] = '1'
		return listing.List(self, 'watchlist', 'wl', limit = limit, **kwargs)
	def expandtemplates(self, text, title = None, generatexml = False):
        """Takes wikitext (text) and expands templates."""
		self.require(1, 11)
		kwargs = {}
		if title is None: kwargs['title'] = title
		if generatexml: kwargs['generatexml'] = '1'
		result = self.api('expandtemplates', text = text, **kwargs)
		if generatexml:
			return result['expandtemplates']['*'], result['parsetree']['*']
			return result['expandtemplates']['*']